3rd Media Engagement and Training

After two successful engagements with media and journalists in 2018 and 2019, ATAF’s plan for the third engagement is to train journalists on identified tax issues as a capacity intervention initiative.

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ATAF/OECD Transfer Pricing Risk Assessment

Transfer pricing risk assessment is the process of identifying and assessing the risk associated with cross border transactions that multinational enterprises engage into, with a view of determining whether the risk is worth pursuing through conduct of a resource-intensive audit

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Taxpayers Education Engagement

Realization of effective domestic resource mobilization by African countries is dependent on a number of factors some being simplification of tax laws and tax systems backed with knowledge and education which is expected to enhance taxpayers understanding of existing tax systems.

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To fully appreciate the contribution of corporate taxpayers to revenue collection, tax officers dealing with large businesses are expected to be in tandem with the developments and discussions around salient tax issues.

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O Fórum Africano das Administrações Tributárias tem o prazer de anunciar que estão abertas as candidaturas para a 4ª Edição do Seminário de capacitação em Métodos de Investigação e Publicação do ATAF/ATRN, a ter lugar de 20 à 23 de Maio de 2019, em Nairobi, no Quênia. O seminário de capacitação do ATAF é totalmente financiado e foi projetado para pesquisadores juniores e médios em matérias tributárias do continente Africano. O mesmo é oferecido simultaneamente a três (03) grupos em três idiomas (inglês, francês e português), respectivamente.

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