2023 Annual Report

The 2023 Annual Report marks the inaugural year of the ATAF 2023 – 2027 Strategic Plan, covering the period from January to December 2023. This report provides a comprehensive overview of ATAF’s performance, highlighting key achievements in enhancing tax administration, fostering regional collaboration, and providing critical data and analysis.

2022 Annual Report

The 2022 Annual Report reflects the second year of implementation of the ATAF 2021 – 2025 ATAF Strategic Plan, covering the period January to December 2022 and providing an overview of the organisation’s performance in consolidating its organisational foundation, executing its Mandate and achieving its Objectives as depicted in the 2022 ATAF Workplan.

2021 Annual Report

2021 proved to be both a challenging and exciting year for ATAF and our member tax administrations, as we continued to work virtually. It has been particularly pleasing for me to note that the ATAF Secretariat, under the sterling leadership of its Executive Secretary, Mr Logan Wort, was able to successfully deliver on the commitments to our members.

2020 Annual Report

Looking back at what a harrowing year 2020 was due to the COVID-19 global pandemic, it is most gratifying to note that both the ATAF membership, and the Secretariat were able to emerge even stronger, despite the near total departure from our normal way of life to the virtual delivery of our obligations.

2019 Annual Report

This annual report provides an overview of ATAF’s activities in 2019 and attests to both the progress made over the past ten years and provides a window into the challenges the organisation faces in the foreseeable future.

2018 ATAF Annual Report

It has been my privilege to serve as the Chairperson of the Council of the African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) as it approaches the significant milestone of its first decade of existence in November 2019.

2017 Annual Report

The African Tax Administration Forum (ATAF) has just completed eight years of its existence secure in the knowledge that each of these years has seen the organisation growing in strength, capacity and prestige.

2016 ATAF Annual Report

The year under review has seen ATAF increase the depth and breadth of the services it offers members. This is a sure sign of a maturing organisation that is in touch with the needs of African tax administrations.

2015 ATAF Annual Report

The past year has seen important developments in the global tax arena that will have a significant impact on the way tax policy is crafted and taxes are administered in the years to come, for both developed and developing countries.

2014 Annual Report

Just a little over five years ago, we embarked on an amazing journey to build more efficient and effective tax administrations as a means to contribute to developing the African continent.

2013 Annual Report

Concerns around the mobilisation of domestic resources and the complexities of raising revenues have become increasingly important in global discussions.

2012 Annual Report

Over the last year there has been unprecedented attention focused on the role of tax administrations in delivering the revenues that governments need.

2011 Annual Report

The outlook for Africa as an investment destination remains positive. This optimism is accompanied by an encouraging pragmatism, on the part of business leaders and on the part of African governments and their tax authorities.

2010 Annual Report

Since the ATAF Inaugural Conference in Kampala in November 2009, our young organisation has experienced phenomenal growth in a number of ways.